With the application you will learn how to prepare Yerba Mate infusion in a traditional way, conduct the curado process of a new mate gourd, explore all types of Yerba Mate and check recommended brands for beginners. The application also includes interesting facts about the origin, history and tradition of Yerba Mate infusion.
The main functionalities of the application:
• The process of traditional preparation presented step by step
• Interesting facts about Yerba Mate, such as origin, history and tradition
• What Curado process is and how to conduct it
• List of recommended brands for beginners with a description and photo
• The effects and health benefits of drinking the infusion
• Description of the various accessories such as bombillas and mate gourds (Palo Santo) etc.
• Description of the different types and preparation, such as Chimarrão or Tereré
• The Chimarrão preparation process presented step by step
• Various fruit and herbal additives added to the infusion
• A discount code only for application users with a list of recommended products in one of the best stores in Poland and Europe
• Information about Ilex Guayusa (Yerba Mate sister), such as preparation, history, and health benefits